Here is the description of what happened from the DA's press release:
"Mr. Cable became angry and rushed toward Mr. Hanson. At that juncture, one of the other coaches in the room stepped in between the two and Mr. Cable bumped into him, which in turn caused that coach to bump into Mr. Hanson's chair in which he was leaning back, with his feet upon the table. As a result of the force, Mr. Hanson fell over, at which time he most likely fractured his jaw. This conclusion is supported by the statements of independent witnesses present in the room, including and especially the coach who bumped into Mr. Hanson's chair. The same witnesses did state that after Mr. Hanson was on the ground, Mr. Cable grabbed him by the shirt . The witnesses also made it clear, however, that at no time during this incident did Mr. Cable strike Mr. Hanson."
As I have been saying all along. If the DA had enough evidence against Tom Cable, the charges would have been brought much sooner. There wasn't enough evidence, the witnesses backed Cable. End of story.
As I also wrote on Twitter, the fact that the DA had a press conference was a good sign charges were not going to be brought in the case. Press conferences are designed to give more information and provide more clarity than a simple press release. If you are charging a person, you want to keep that evidence away from the media. This is also a good way for the Napa County day to maximize political exposure and minimize any criticism.
I'm glad this overblown story is finally over and we can actually talk about football for the rest of the season.
I don't think I have to point this out, but I will. In the very same meeting in which Cable was telling Hanson he was no longer going to be a coach, Hanson was relaxing in the chair with his feet on the desk?
I dare you to kick back and put your feet up on the desk while your boss is demoting you, see what happens.
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